Legal basis for certification of explosion-proof equipment
(Ех equipment)
Rules of certification of electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres (PB 03-538-03), approved by the Decree of Gosstandart of Russia and Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 19.03.03 № 28/10, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 23.04.03 , Reg. № 4440.
This document sets the rules and procedures for obligatory certification of explosion-proof equipment (Ex equipment) intended for use in explosive atmospheres.
Certificate of Conformity issued in accordance with this rules is used to obtain the Permit for use of Ex-equipment from Gosgortehnadzor of Russia.
The Rules are worked out in accordance with following laws, decrees and rules:
Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.93 № 5151-1 «On certification of products and services» (Federal Law edition of 31.07.98 №154-FZ, Bulletin of the Congress of People Deputies of the Russian Federation and Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. 1993. № 26. Clause 966; Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. 1996, № 1, Clause 4; 1998, № 10, Clause 1143; № 31, Clause 3832);
Federal Law of 21.07.97 № 116-FZ «On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities» (Federal Law edition of 07.08.00 № 122-FZ, Parlamentskaya Gazeta, 10 August 2000, №151-152.);
Federal Law of 17.07.99 № 181-FZ «On the principles of occupational safety in the Russian Federation» (Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. 1999, № 29, Clause 3702);
Law of the Russian Federation of 27.04.93 № 4871-1 «On providing uniformity of measurements»(Bulletin of the Congress of People Deputies of the Russian Federation andSupreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. 1993, №23, Clause 811);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.08.98 № 928 «On the list of devices intended for use at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification»(Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. 1998, № 33, Clause 4030; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 26 August 1998, №163);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.12.98 № 1540 «On the use of devices at hazardous production facilities» (Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. 1999, № 1, Clause 191; Rossiyskaya Gazeta Российская газета. 21 January 1999, № 11);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.97 № 1012 «On approval of the list of goods subject to mandatory certification» (Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. 1997, № 33, Clause 3899);
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.07.01 № 963-р (Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. 2001, № 32, Clause 3349);
Procedure of carrying out products certification in the Russian Federation approved by the Decree ofGosstandart of Russia of 21.09.94 № 15, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05.04.95, Reg. № 826(«Rossiyskiye Vesti», 1 June 1995), with Amendment № 1, approved by the Decree of Gosstandart of Russia of 25.06.96 № 15, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 01.08.96, Reg. № 1139 («Rossiyskiye Vesti», 8 August 1996);
Regulations for the GOSTR Certification System approved by the Decree of Gosstandart of Russia of 17.03.98 № 11, registered by theMinistry of Justice of Russia on 29.04.98, Reg. № 1520 (Bulletin of normativeacts of Federal Executive Bodies. 1998, № 11);
Certification Rules. GOST R Certification System. Forms of main documents used in the system and approved by the Decree of Gosstandart of Russia of 17.03.98 № 12 (in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of 26.05.98 № 3475-VE,state registration is not required);
Rules of application ofMark of Conformity in case of mandatory products certification, approved by Decree of Gosstandart of Russia of 25.07.96 № 14, registered by the Ministry ofJustice of Russia on 01.08.96, Reg. № 1138 («Rossiyskiye Vesti», 8 August 1996), with modifications and amendments approved by the Decree of Gosstandartof Russia of 20.10.99 № 54, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 10.11.99, Reg. № 1968 («Rossiyskiye Vesti», 7 December 1999);
Certification Rules. Payment forcertification of products and services, registered in the Public Register of Gosstandart ofRussia, Reg.№ РОСС.RU.0001.00ДД01, registeredby the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 29.12.99, Reg.№ 2031;
Nomenclature ofproducts and services (works) subject to mandatory certification in accordancewith legislative acts of the Russian Federation approved bythe Decree of Gosstandart of Russia of 30.07.02 № 64 (in accordance with theletter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of 03.09.02 № 07/8285-YuD,registration is not required).
Certification Rules for electricalequipment for explosive atmospheres (PB03-538-03) is the basic document of the Ex Equipment Certification System(hereinafter referred to as CSEх), operating within the GOST R Certification as acertification system of homogeneous products.
Thenormative basis, rules and procedures of СSЕх do not contradict to theInternational Electrotechnical Commission Scheme for certification tostandards for safety of electricalequipment for explosive atmospheres (IECEx Scheme):
IECЕх 01 ver. 3.0:2007 «Basic Rules of the IEC Scheme forcertification to standards for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres(IECEx Scheme)»;
IECЕх 02 ver 3.0:2006 «Rules of Procedure of the IEC Scheme forcertification to standards for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres(IECEx Scheme)»;
The Rules take into account theDirective 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment andprotective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
The СSЕх hasbeen developed taking into consideration the main requirements of the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)(ISO/IEC Guides 7, 28, 60).